Beginner’s Guide To Vaping In 2016

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The year has reached its three-quarter point with Halloween around the corner and Thanksgiving soon after that. If you are a UK expatriate, Guy Fawkes Day is always a lot of fun, and there is Christmas, of course.

All of these events offer some excuse for partying to those who need an excuse, and that’s when e cigs are likely to come out of hiding, especially among those too self-conscious to vape in public.

Vaping is about to undergo some changes but the ones most likely to affect you have to do with choices. In other words, there will likely be fewer of them. Not to worry though: beginners still have the opportunity to try vaping for the first time without visiting a foreign country to do it.

Beginner’s Guide

If you are puffing on vaporized materials rather than tobacco, you aren’t smoking; this is known as vaping. Consumers use cannabis, other herbs, oils, waxes, and e juices. These products are stored in a chamber or tank and subjected to high heat from an atomizer coil or convection heater. Heat causes a material to release vapor.

Be clear here: this is not smoking because high heat stops short (ideally) of combustion; that is, you should not be producing smoke. As a result, vapers are not consuming or emitting thousands of deadly chemicals into the air. These are the chemicals which cause illness and death to smokers and second-hand smokers, harm the environment, and simply smell terrible. Vapor smells a lot better.

Choices for New Vapers

The very easiest products for beginners to get started with are e cigs or similar vaping pens. They are the size of regular cigarettes but these steel tubes contain a tiny battery, coil, and e juice, etc.

If your device is for e juice it will probably come pre-filled such as when you buy a Blu, NJOY, or 21st Century Smoke disposable product at a garage. If you buy an herbal pen from a dealer, this will not come pre-filled; you have to buy materials separately.

Downsides of e cigs like these are their power and durability: they typically have a life of a couple of hours, depending how often they are used. Batteries are low-powered, so they don’t provide a full day of use or lots vapor. Granted plumes of vapor is not for everyone, and some people prefer just the right amount of vapor so they can taste it, and have a little puff of vapor on the exhale.

While equal to a pack of cigarettes or more in nicotine content according to labels, it is not the best comparison, though there is the same amount of nicotine. You have to be aware, too, that e juice doesn’t taste exactly like tobacco because artificial flavoring can’t completely mimic the real thing.

That being said, millions of users have found e-cigs to be quite satisfying as an alternative to smoking cigarettes.

Rechargeable Systems

Although disposables provide a great place to start, rechargeable systems are better value. Typically, the battery is plugged or screwed into a USB charging port or AC adapter. However long recharging takes is roughly the length of time the battery will last.

There are also some nice kits available that allow you to fill your own with your flavor preference, that come with everything you need.


Pictured is the Vaporfi Express Starter Bundle.

Many devices operate by puffing; a lot of bigger e cigs like eGos require the vaper to press a button. Numerous brands like V2, Halo, and South Beach Smoke provide pre-filled cartomizers. The cheaper and more varied way to go is to buy e juice and a blank tank if you can, even upgrade to a vaporizer like the South Beach Smoke Storm, Vaporfi Pro, or Halo’s Triton. They give you more power, longer-lasting batteries, and a refillable tank.

Refilling E Juice

New FDA regulations are going to make big changes to this industry. Whereas there were many mom & pop stores selling homemade e juice up until recently, new PMTA costs (between about $120K and over $450K annually) will make that sort of business a thing of the past, at least in the legal sense.

A lot of firms will still make e juice under the counter. A common practice is to make something and give it away to friends, exchanging money in an informal way that isn’t documented.

Legitimate, sensible business men and women will avoid this behavior in order to keep their licenses. Beginners won’t notice the difference the way veterans will, but you will find there are limited numbers of e juice manufacturers on the market; just big brands sold on the larger, better established sites like Vaporfi, Direct Vapor, Halo, and Space Jam, for example.

Don’t worry, though: together, they represent a huge amount of choice. Their flavor options are considerable and the good thing about such firms is that they are careful to follow FDA regulations. In fact, they were at the forefront of safety role modeling before legislation went before the US government for approval.

Buying Products

Beginners will also discover that companies are more active about looking for proof of age. It might turn out to be easier going to physical stores with a driver’s license than using the internet to buy vaping equipment. New software will require consumers to take a picture of themselves and their ID to prove they are over the age of vaping consent which is the same as the legal smoking age.

As with cigarettes sales, this sort of rule is easy to break; you just get someone to buy the stuff for you. Like cigarettes, however, extra hurdles will at least make a few teens stop to think about how much they want to vape.

Online Shopping

This is frequently the cheapest way to shop, but stores in your neighborhood are great resources for information and community. These little shops, however, are going to suffer from the cost of their PMTA licensing and this could put many out of business unless consumers rally around them. It’s likely that beginners will get their first taste of e cigs from a big, successful online store like Halo or V2.

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About Kath

Hi! It's Kath here, and I've been with from the very start. Like everyone else here on the team, I have a number of roles. I'm a creative editor, product reviewer (including creating video reviews), and I'm our vendor relations specialist among other things. I love finding cool products and great deals for our readers. Working on this site is such a joy, and I'm grateful to be here!

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