Buy Q-Flex Acupressure Back and Body Massage Tool at Amazon
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I recently purchased my Q-Flex Acupressure back massage tool at Amazon, and I received it really fast. I first saw the Q-Flex Shark Tank presentation waaaay back in December 2014. The very second I saw it, I knew I had to have it.
My Initial Thoughts
At first I considered an older style self-massager that’s been around for what seems like forever. This was the “Thera Cane,” but I wasn’t real impressed with the look of it. It was also a couple of dollars more than the Q-Flex.
Then I checked out the rather complicated looking self-massager called the Body Back Buddy. To be sure, this had a few more bells and whistles than the Q-Flex which only has the one “knob.”
But, the Body Back Buddy isn’t going to be something I would be inclined to toss in the car on a long ride. Too cumbersome.
The “Shark Tank” Factor Kicks In!
Then, of course, there is what I call the “Shark Tank Factor.” I love supporting other entrepreneurs – hey, we’re entrepreneurs too! – and the fact that a 13-year old young lady has the vision and determination – not to mention amazing work ethic – to pull this off, well… I just have to support it.
And, there is this nagging “knot” that I get in my upper back when I’m hunkered down in front of my computer that I’m constantly trying to relieve with a tennis ball or the corner of a wall. I just knew that something like the Q-Flex Acupressure tool would be just what I needed. And it is!
Unboxing my Q-Flex
So far, we’ve got one video on it – the “unboxing video” that I’ll put below. Also, we have an excellent informational article about acupressure if you would like to read it. (See our Acupressure article here.)
If you are interested in, and ready to buy Q-Flex, or know someone who would like one, you can check it out right here at Thank you!