Coupon Code for 7% off ALL Model Ships!
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AHOY Model Ship fans and collectors! If you use our True Model Ships coupon you will receive 7% off ALL model ships, PLUS, Free Shipping over $39! When I was little, one of my uncles – a retired career US Navy man – would build model ships. He could have been one of the artisans who create these absolutely gorgeous replicas of some of the world’s most famous ships. In fact, had this type of work been available to him, I’m guessing he would have put his heart and soul into it.
In looking at some of these model ships, I am stunned and awed by the craftsmanship. When you visit the website, you’ll notice right away that there is a great deal of research and planning to ensure that the models are as authentic as possible.
One other thing I noticed is that there are model replicas in every budget – so whether you are just starting out or developing an interest in collecting these beautiful pieces or are a seasoned collector, there will certainly be something for you. Of course, these are perfect for gift-giving as well.
Now, I have seen photos of many of the ships and yachts that the True Model Ships site offers, but to see them in miniature (although some of them are pretty sizable) and in such detail and in so many different sizes pretty much blows me away. For just one example, if you are looking for a USS Constitution model ship, you’ll see one as small as 7″, and one as large as 50″ at the site – and everything in between!
So, if you’d like to take advantage of the True Model Ships coupon code, you’ll get 7% off at the site! I hope you’ll visit, and that you’ll love these beautiful replicas as much as I do.