Help Save the Vape & Why We Support HR 2058

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Hello Readers!

We don’t often get into political discussions here at, but on behalf of a number of our merchants and our customers, we are asking you to consider supporting what is known as HR 2058, an effort for and by the electronic cigarette industry to stop improper FDA regulations that would remove 99.9% of Vapor products from the market (while, of course continuing to allow big tobacco cigarettes to remain ON the market). We support HR 2058, and hope that you will too.  Anyway, you’ll hear our own story in a moment…

To go right to the petitions:
1. Sign The Official White House Petition to overturn the FDA’s ruling on e-cigarette classification as a tobacco product – because, these are NOT tobacco products. –> Click Here to Sign 

2. Send A Message to Your Representative to Support HR 2058 introduced by Oklahoma Representative, Tom Cole. –> Click Here to Sign

3. Send A Message To Your Attorney General to Support Iowa AG Tom Miller, regarding a debate on the scientific merits of vaping. –> Click Here to Sign

To learn a little about what this is all about, we offer this video entitled Truth About Vaping – Episode 1 “Why They Hate Us.” Then, below, please allow us to give you our background and reasons for our personal support of this bill.

The other day, our team here at the site was talking about much fun it is for us to discover new merchants, products, and services, and then to introduce them to all of you. We were marveling at how many diverse interests that we have between all of us – some of us dig music and reading, others love yoga and hiking, almost all of us love cooking and gourmet foods (or at least eating them!), etc.

It’s pretty amazing that almost every time we turn around, we’re presented with another amazing opportunity to promote, and we love it. We feel quite blessed to have such a diverse tapestry of products to offer.

Some of the things you’ll notice that we offer here on the site include a variety of electronic cigarettes and vaping supplies. This is because a number of us either have smoked cigarettes and made the move to e-cigs in an effort to cut back on inhaling tobacco smoke. I, personally used to smoke cigarettes, and it took a mighty effort to quit “back in the day” (before e-cigs were available). It would be almost impossible to ignore the fact that inhaling tobacco smoke is just not healthy.

When at least 3 of my friends and colleagues here on discovered e-cigs, one of them began using them to see if he could wean himself off tobacco cigarettes, because he wanted to feel better. He – along with a couple of the others here – kept reading that e-cig companies were not allowed by law to say that these might be useful as smoking cessation devices. But, they had seen the anecdotes and experiences of other men and women in a variety of vaping and e-cig forums, and thought, “Hey, why not? Surely it can’t hurt to try…”

Here it is a couple of years later, and one of the guys is 100% smoke free, AND he no longer even vapes. In another example, a young woman I know told me that she was trying e-cigs, because her mother had tried repeatedly to quit smoking, and had gone through gums, nicotine patches, and who knows what else without any success – until she tried substituting e-cigs for tobacco. She now no longer needs either.

Then, another guy I know has cut back his cigarette use considerably. He didn’t give me an exact measure, but he figures that e-cigs constitutes about one half or a little more than what he used to smoke.

Finally, I was talking with one of the guys who was working on my apartment building when I was away this past winter, and I noticed during one of his breaks, he was vaping on an Eleaf iStick box mod that I recognized since of course that’s a model we often see promoted by the different merchants we highlight, and we struck up a conversation about vaping in general.

He couldn’t speak highly enough about e-cigs, because he had completely given up tobacco since making the decision to try this as an alternative. He talked about how much money he saved – which I know is considerable since I’ve seen cost comparisons between tobacco cigarettes versus e-cigs in general – but even more important to him was that he physically felt better. His job is a very strenuous one, and he explained that he had more endurance and no longer felt out of breath. Also, he would not vape for the same amount of time that he would smoke a cigarette. In other words, he might take a puff or two off his mod, and be totally satisfied; whereas, if he had lit a cigarette, he would not stop puffing until the whole thing was smoked.

During any conversation that I have with someone who vapes, I notice that I am not in the least bit bothered by the vapor that their devices help produce. I don’t smell it, I don’t notice it, and I’m not offended by it. And the person vaping doesn’t “smell” either. I have an exceedingly sensitive sense of smell, and don’t like the smell of tobacco smoke (with the exception of certain pipe tobacco which for some reason doesn’t bother me). Of course that’s another benefit my friends who vape have noticed.

Now, again, I am a non-smoker. I also do not vape since I long ago gave up nicotine and have no intentions of starting again. I am a staunch supporter of HR 2058, and I have signed 2 separate petitions to help the cause. And, it’s not just because we offer vaping supplies here on the site. To me it’s to support the vaping community and to help put a stop to the madness perpetuated by “big tobacco” since in my personal opinion – along with the opinion of my partners here at, the push to pretend that e-cigs and vaping supplies are “tobacco products” is about one thing only: Greed.

Please take a moment to watch this excellent video that explains part of why “big tobacco” is pushing so hard to harm the e-cig industry, and it should become crystal clear that they aren’t interested in your “health” – they are interested in being able to increase their own profits. I have nothing against profits – we all need to make a living, and part of the fun here at is earning commissions when someone purchases a product as a result of something they have found here at the site!

But when common sense and decency are trampled by nonsense and greed disguised as something called “in our best interests” I cannot just stand by and do nothing. And so I am asking you – whether or not you personally vape – please take a moment to learn the facts behind these ridiculous attempts to hurt the e-cig industry and sign the petitions. We have also added a few additional links to other news articles covering this topic, below.

Thank you so much for reading, and for your support!


The Editorial Team at

Again, here are the petitions:
1. Sign The Official White House Petition to overturn the FDA’s ruling on e-cigarette classification as a tobacco product – because, these are NOT tobacco products. –> Click Here to Sign 

2. Send A Message to Your Representative to Support HR 2058 introduced by Oklahoma Representative, Tom Cole. –> Click Here to Sign

3. Send A Message To Your Attorney General to Support Iowa AG Tom Miller, regarding a debate on the scientific merits of vaping. –> Click Here to Sign

Additional news articles about this topic:

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About Kath

Hi! It's Kath here, and I've been with from the very start. Like everyone else here on the team, I have a number of roles. I'm a creative editor, product reviewer (including creating video reviews), and I'm our vendor relations specialist among other things. I love finding cool products and great deals for our readers. Working on this site is such a joy, and I'm grateful to be here!

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