LivFresh Review Formerly Livionex Dental Gel: Update!

Update to my LivFresh Reviews! Okay, I mentioned in an earlier post about Livionex Dental Gel (WAAAY back in March, 2015 if you can believe that!) that I was excited to try this pretty interesting gel. AS OF THIS UPDATE: May, 2023, I STILL use it every day – twice a day, only now it’s called LiveFresh). Anyway, I had ordered it, and have used it very sparingly, yet regularly since then. Other than missing a few days when traveling, I have used it twice daily.

Reporting my LiveFresh – Livionex Results

Livionex is now LIVFRESH! Livionex Dental Gel Review
UPDATE! Remember, THIS is a photo of one of my original tubes from 2015! It’s now called LIVFRESH ! Click the photo… Note, the new LIVFRESH product looks different. STAY TUNED FOR A LIVFRESH COUPON CODE!

I also promised to report back with what I’ve experienced. A reader left a comment that I’m going to echo here. That is, this product has the potential to turn the dental care industry on its head.

OK: Time to look at the “Wayback Machine” of this post. This post was originally written in 2015. At that time in 2015 it had been over 2 1/2 months since I began using Livionex. As I said, I’ve been very judicious about using it since it’s not cheap (about $25 delivered as of 2019 – May 2023 update; more deals and savings available since they started.).

I think I may have mentioned that I have receding gumlines and the teeth are exposed in that area. It’s possible I caused this by scrubbing my teeth all my life. Nonetheless, it has been a very sensitive area. Since using Livionex, while it obviously can’t “regrow” my gumlines, I can definitely say that the sensitivity has diminished considerably. Also, it may be my imagination, but the exposed lower part of the my teeth seems to be lighter in appearance (is it possible that there has been some remineralization there?)

(Archived October 2019 UPDATE:

It’s now October, 2019, and I still use Livionex – aka nowadays as LiveFresh – daily, and I can say it does NOT remineralize teeth, otherwise, mine would have seen the effects. However, I CAN attest that I STILL have NO plaque buildup. So, it definitely lives up to its promises – at least on my teeth.)

LivFresh Reviews Don’t Get more REAL than Mine! 🙂 (Click picture to visit the LivFresh Site)

May 2023 UPDATE:

As mentioned, after ALL THESE YEARS I still use LivFresh 2 times/day – and I now buy it in bundles since it saves money. I wouldn’t spend the money on this product so consistently over the years if it didn’t work. It does. I’ve got to figure out a way to take a photo, somehow of the inside of my teeth – because they are smooth. 

Are my teeth perfect? No. That’s why I obsess over this. I confess to having a major dental phobia, and I know I should go, but after having had some negative experiences I am just seriously phobic. 

I Have Flossed Nightly Since 1983 – it’s Now 2023

One other thing that I do, personally, that has probably helped is I floss. Every. Night. 

If there were a Guiness Book of World Records category for who has flossed the longest and most consistently, I seriously do believe I would be a contender. It’s a long story, but I began flossing daily one day back in May 1983, and since that day, I have missed ONE DAY of flossing. Yes. You heard me correctly. ONE DAY. From May 1983 – May 2023 (currently), I have missed only ONE DAY.

EcoDent Natural Dental Floww
EcoDent Floss

I spent months in New Zealand travelling by bicycle in 1983-84, and then several contracts in Antarctica from 1984 – 1991 (including my 1990-91 Winter Over), and in ALL situations, I ensured I had enough floss to last the duration of several years. 

Anyway, hopefully that shows you the level of my obsession. (BTW: This is the floss I use: EcoDent – it’s an environmentall conscious company.)

Ok, back to the original 2015 review:

The way my teeth feel in general? Awesome! There’s almost a “squeaky” sound when I brush – like the teeth are getting really squeaky-clean.

I’ve been prone to tartar buildup in the past, and can also attest to the fact that there is virtually no buildup. I’ve been trying (in vain) to get a decent photo of my teeth, but you wouldn’t be able to tell that they are less sensitive by seeing a photo!

Anyway, I’ve just ordered another tube – I’m not sure why my 1st tube lasted so long (over 2 months), but it’s possible I was using less than a pea-sized amount (but it seemed “pea-sized” to me).

What other Livionex / LivFresh reviews mentioned

There were some Livionex / LivFresh reviews where the writers mention that it was hard to keep on their toothbrush, but I had no problem with that at all. Also, I don’t mind the fact that it does not foam – I’m used to that with some other toothpastes that I’ve used.

I CAN get that small amount to spread out all over my tooth surfaces, so using a small amount seems sufficient.

Hubby and I didn’t use fluoride

There are people who recommend fluoride as a method of remineralization (including the author of the Dentist Be Damned! book about how to cure tooth decay naturally – which we do promote here). I’ve long held a personal bias against fluoride – but everyone has their own opinion on that, which I certainly respect. Having said that, as of May 2023, I now do use a tiny bit of fluoride but am very careful about being sure not to swallow it. It’s my hope that the use of LivFresh Livionex (along with some of the other suggestions in Dentist Be Damned!) will be enough to help strengthen my own tooth enamel, and keep my teeth and gums healthy for many years to come! The edathamil in LivFresh is the ingredient that helps keep the plaque from building up. I just wish it was a remineralizer. Oh well, can’t have everything!

I would recommend LivFresh Livionex Dental Gel, and you can go directly to the LivFresh product page here (yes, as of now I AM a proud LivFresh affiliate, so if you do decide to order via my link, you have my gratitude! I was excited that they offered an opportunity for me to get a little commission by promoting LivFresh, and I’m also thankful to them for that opportunity and trust.)

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