Lost Empire Herbs Review – I Love Love LOVE Them!

Wow! THIS is a fabulous store! As a paying customer, I feel a Lost Empire Herbs review is in order. Firstly, their website, LostEmpireHerbs.com has some really difficult to find, very high quality and powerful herbs and educational resources. The store was founded and is managed by three brothers, Zane, Cloud, and Logan Christopher.These guys are very hands-on, and talk with honesty and integrity. These are guys after my own heart. Once you visit LostEmpireHerbs.com and get to know the background of these guys, I think you’ll fall in love with them as much as we have.
How I Got Interested in Herbs
On a personal note, I (Kathy, the lead female on the MyFavDeals.org team) and my husband have a deep and abiding respect and interest in medicinal mushrooms (primarily chaga and red-banded polypores), and we harvest them as well – so when we noticed that LostEmpireHerbs.com also loves them – well, that was pretty much the icing on the cake.
They have stuff that I have literally just been hearing about in different alternative health journals and some of it sounds pretty exciting. They are one of the most respected folks when it comes to where to buy Pine Pollen (evidently one of their most popular signature items!).
Then, I noticed they have a lot of the medicinal mushrooms like chaga, lion’s mane (we know it as bear claw up north, and we have it growing on our property – we actually just had some!), Cordycep mushrooms, and reishi.
Until Lost Empire Herbs came into my view, I had never heard of ant extract, ashwagandha, bacopa, or Maral Root. They have hormone testing kits, books and other educational and informational resources, Shilajit Powder and Resin (which I recently began taking), female and male hormonal support formulas and just so much more.
I started with Lost Empire Herbs Athena Woman’s Formula
My love affair with Lost Empire Herbs began upon ordering their Athena Woman’s Formula. “Way back” in 2017 I started to look at some herbs that would help support hormonal changes. After searching online for some potential solutions, I happened upon the Lost Empire Herbs products.
Now, while I could purchase any and all of the various herbs and minerals separately, I kind of liked the idea of the Athena powder formulation. I wound up created one of my earliest “review videos” and put it up on YouTube.
I’m putting this old Lost Empire Herbs review video right below this post, so you can get a look at some of what I personally found to be most impressive about the company.
I have more stuff I can review on film, and as time allows, I will add additional review videos.
Different Products We’ve Tried from Lost Empire Herbs
Since I started using the Athena Woman’s Formula, I’ve branched out into additional products from Lost Empire Herbs.
For a while, my husband was quite ill, and to help support his treatments (which were very successful), we added stuff like Pine Pollen, and then the Phoenix Formula since it included a number of helpful ingredients (including the Pine Pollen). Actually, we both were taking the Phoenix Formula for a while at that point.
Lately, we’ve been taking Shilajit as I mentioned above (we have the resin), Schisandra berry (I LOVE the taste of Lost Empire Herbs’ Schisandra berry powder!) and Ashwagandha.
I bought additional Schisandra (or Schizandra, depending on how you spell it) berry powder even though it’s already in the Athena formula, because I like the taste so much! I know…that’s probably not really the best reason to buy something! haha!
Also lately, I’ve started to look at the Gynostemma Tea, which I’ll write about soon.
Lost Empire Herbs Coupon Code
Well, after we were using the products for a while, and then began promoting them, we asked about offering readers a Lost Empire Herbs coupon code. The company has been very good to us, as well as to our readers! They agreed to offer an exclusive savings! We have added all promos with our special promo code at this section of the website: Lost Empire Herbs coupon codes can be seen here!
I have a feeling that you are going to hear a lot about this store, and the brothers behind the brand. Their impeccable attention to detail and research is second to none, in my opinion. And, also in my opinion, they certainly deserve your consideration if you are looking for high quality herbal products and supplements. Thank you so much for reading!
To get to know the brothers and their outstanding website, start here: https://lostempireherbs.com
Solar Cookware For A Green Kitchen
Cooks don’t use the same sorts of dishes to heat food in a microwave as they do in a toaster oven or conventional oven. They wouldn’t choose identical cookware for a solar oven either. Solar cookware is specifically designed for use in situations where you are harnessing the sun’s power to bake, grill, or cook food.
Harnessing the Sun
There are three types of cookers generally speaking which, when combined, create a fully functional kitchen. The box or oven cooker is like your regular oven; a parabolic cooker directs sunlight onto a cooking pot; and a panel cooker is similar but not as hot, though its panels are adaptable.
These fold in various directions to capture the sun’s rays all day no matter the angle. A parabolic cooker adopts a shape and can be moved as a whole. Ovens are compared to slow cookers because they take a long time to heat up but, once hot, trap heat effectively.
They’re best used for times when you don’t want to supervise cooking. The parabolic cooker acts quickly and requires constant supervision, but doesn’t need a lot of thermal heat; uninterrupted sunlight, however, is imperative.
Heat vs. Light
When it comes to cooking with sunlight, you always have to determine if what you really need is heat or light. Solar power is harnessed in two ways: either the light is being directed onto a surface as with the photovoltaic panels that create electricity, or the sun’s heat is what you are looking for, similar to insulated tubes for heating water.
If you have a lot of time, then lots of heat is easier to ensure, to capture, and to maintain. Sunlight is trickier because you need unimpeded access to the rays themselves, not just an overall sunny day. Even if it’s 85°F outside and a sunny day with full blue skies, unless the sun is bearing down directly on a PV heating source, cooking isn’t going to take place.
Cookware for Solar Applications
Now that you have a sense of what you will be cooking in, it’s important to realize that your cooking vessel plays an important role. Some types of metal and ceramics capture heat well and for a long time; others are highly inefficient. Certain materials will buckle under considerably hot temperatures; others fail to let in enough light.
Select a type of cookware suitable for the food you are cooking and which sort of oven you are using, but almost anything in your current collection will probably be fine. Usually a sort of metal is recommended and some ceramics or pottery could be excellent too.
Cook with Pottery
Is your goal to set food cooking at 9 in the morning and come back at 6 for a meal of beans and rice? You will be using an insulated box oven to capture heat for a long time. Having chosen a place that gets very hot and stays that way, one can easily place a ceramic pot in this spot for many hours.
It’s always best if you can leave it completely so add all the water and seasoning you will need right from the start. Don’t disturb this setup or remove the lid. Bread and other baking also cook beautifully in this kind of oven if you have time to wait for your cake or biscotti.
Cooking with Metal
Aluminum is considered an excellent reflective material for quick heating with direct sunlight as the source of heat. It doesn’t absorb heat as much as allows it through, but aluminum isn’t sturdy like iron or steel.
Iron and steel, like ceramics, will retain heat better and heat slowly compared with aluminum. They aren’t as reflective but you still need to keep an eye on them. In most cases, experts recommend employing dark metals which are not very thick so they let the heat in quickly. You might not have all that much time; not on a day where clouds are variable.
Buying Solar Cookware
Your choices are to either work with what you already have or to buy specially constructed solar cookware from a specialty store. A lot of camp-related gear is already made from thin metal so as to be light and portable, but small dimensions are no good for a stew.
Specially-made solar items are designed very specifically for their purpose so as to endure for years, to resist high temperatures but conduct heat efficiently, and to be food-safe as well. Outdoor adventure stores stock crock pots in several sizes, grill pans, and even baking sheets to supply the needs of the solar gourmet.
The Dirt – Trace Mineral Tooth Brushing Powder
Those of you who follow this website have likely seen that I (personally) have a “thing” about my teeth*. Seriously – I try a LOT of natural products, and so that’s where this Dirt Tooth Powder review comes in. Naturally, oral health and dental hygiene is one of the most important parts of our daily routine; not only is it important to keep our teeth clean and healthy to avoid the unpleasantness of toothache , but healthier teeth can help to cut down the cost of bills at the dentist.
This is something my family knows about first hand. I’ve had to rush hubby to the dentist for an emergency root canal in the past, and I can tell you that he says “NEEDING a root canal is a lot worse than HAVING one done.”
Modern chemical toothpastes may be effective at tackling problems like plaque and the bacteria that can lead to tooth decay and gum problems, but many of the ingredients in toothpastes can cause dental or health problems of their own.
Our teeth are actually very good at fixing themselves, as long as we give them a chance, but many of the ingredients of modern toothpastes, such as glycerin, actually stop the vital re-mineralization process that keeps our teeth naturally healthy, strong and gleaming white.
The Dirt is one of a number of new products on the market which are designed to support our teeth’s natural defenses, instead of preventing this vital process of re-mineralization from taking place.
What Is The Dirt?
The Dirt is a tooth powder, rather than a toothpaste. You still need a regular toothbrush to use it and to apply the powder to your teeth, helping you to support your natural oral health. The Dirt has a pleasant spicy orange flavor, which tastes great and leaves your mouth feeling just as fresh as chemical, minty toothpastes.
This innovative product has none of the chemicals that you find in conventional toothpastes; no fluoride which has been linked to its own health scares, especially in towns where it has been added to the water supply. The Dirt is also ideal for those who have allergies or dietary requirements, as the product is free of soy, grain, corn and gluten.
The company behind the product don’t use any fillers, chemical or natural, or beeswax from factory-farmed bees. Of course, the toothpowder is cruelty-free and has not been tested on animals.
The Dirt Toothpaste Ingredients — All Natural for Natural Health
So, we have established that there are lot of chemical and harmful ingredients not in The Dirt; but what ingredients are included in their toothpowder? What makes it such a successful product and such an excellent alternative to toothpastes? The Dirt is rich in essential oils, including the spicy orange that gives the product its distinctive taste; fatty oils and butters high in nutrients; and a selection of clays and salts rich in minerals.
The creator of The Dirt invented the toothpowder when she realized that a lot of the beauty products she was buying didn’t adhere to her new paleo lifestyle; the paleo diet allows people to only eat the fruits, vegetables and meats that would have been eaten by prehistoric man. However, there are still lots of non-food products that contain a great deal of chemical and modern ingredients, not fitting to the paleo diet.
The Dirt Tooth Powder Reviews on Amazon
The reviews are stellar, overall. Coming in at over 1,300 of them – 73% of which are a solid 5-Star – you gotta love it.
One of the things I like about Amazon reviews (and frankly, one of the things I and others love about Amazon overall to begin with) is that you can see whether or not the writer actually purchased the product.
And, in this case, you can see for yourself that they are for real (click the following image, and it’ll take you directly over to the product page so you can read and peruse at your leisure).
Try Out The Dirt for Yourself
The Dirt is a great way to keep your teeth naturally strong and healthy, as well as creating a great-tasting product which is suitable for everyone. In fact, the only downside to using The Dirt is that it can end up staining the bristles of ordinary toothbrushes!
Whether you are following a paleo lifestyle yourself or not, it is worth using The Dirt to see what a difference it can make to your dental health — and the appearance of your smile.
There are many advantages to using a natural toothpowder over normal toothpastes. Not only does The Dirt support your teeth’s own re-mineralization process, it is also better for your health and better for the environment. Buy The Dirt online HERE at Amazon, and you can see for yourself the difference it can make.
PS: It’s Amazon Prime eligible too!
* Check out my Livionex review and you’ll see what I mean!
The Legend Of Flyboard By Zapata Racing
Zapata Racing started making PWC equipment 18 years ago, under the leadership of Franky Zapata, still CEO. He has a small team of executives working for him and branches around the world. PWC stands for Personal Water Craft, but if you’re thinking of regular boats and jet skis, think again. In 1999, Zapata brought PWC to international attention with a new way of hitting the water or, more accurately, hitting the air above the water.
They have since earned 6 titles in Europe and 2 in world championships using hydro-propulsion to rocket them to the top. The Flyboard represents several years of innovation and development which now brings the company and flyboards to an audience of leisure users as well as competitors. Watch their videos for some celebrity spotting.
This is a sport now in its own right; a new way to tackle the water and win. Other firms have made their own versions, but Zapata Racing is world-renowned. They brought their Flyboard to Qatar in 2012 and the 2014 Dubai competition with their Hoverboard by Zapata Racing.
The company continues to develop new machines employing advances in hydro-propulsion and promoting feats like those a viewer might expect to see in a James Bond movie. Q would be jealous. Movies of the Hoverboard and Flyboard in action have attracted fans in their own right, many of them added during a Super Bowl advertisement, a coveted spot.
Professional Flyboard Riders
Famous names in the industry might not sound familiar to the average individual more familiar with football figures, boxers, or soccer players, but Zapata’s pro riders are famous in the industry. From the USA, there are two: Caleb Gavic and Damone Rippy. Brody Wells and Adrian Boucher represent Canada. Suksan Tongthai comes from Thailand. Watch for the next races, sure to be shown on cable, and find out who is representing your home country.
The Flyboard Legend
A new legend has joined the team; a Flyboard Legend. Those who know these machines are not surprised by its legendary capacities: a turbine that lets riders lift, dive, jump, and perform tricks in the air.
An 18- or 23-meter hose connects to the Personal Water Craft redirecting water to nozzles on the side. The rider controls the device’s height and direction with a throttle to reach as much as 12 meters in the air depending on power.
Riding a Flyboard is like being suspended high atop a wave on a surfboard only the lift lasts longer and remains in mid-air. A wireless way to stay suspended above water is surely the next thing to come from Zapata Racing; the world watches and waits with breathless anticipation.
What Comes with the Flyboard Legend?
With this purchase, consumers receive a rotation system, specific bearings, a supply hose, U pipe for reverse PWC water movement, and a clip interface. The U pipe possesses a propulsion system so the PWC does not have to be towed. Propulsion makes it faster and more efficient.
The Venturi system is responsible for letting water out of the turbine. Special bindings for the boots work specifically with the Flyboard to protect a rider’s foot, ankle bones and joints while he or she is shot into the air at an astounding speed. Flexibility and strength combine to provide safety and support.
Miami Area Flyboard Experience
We have also found a way to try out a Flyboard, at the Bayside Flyboard Experience, if you are ever in the Miami area. They don’t mention whether it is the same one by Zapata Racing, but it looks fun nevertheless!
JetSuite: Private Jet Hire
Have you ever wanted to hire a private Jet? You can with JetSuite. Their firm has operated successfully for 7 years as a private operator; an alternative to charter flights. The company is now one of the biggest in America: 4th largest, thanks to their top-of-the-range jets. You can go anywhere or sign up for regularly scheduled, luxury flights.
The range of planes at JetSuite includes a number of Phenom 100s and Edition CJ3 jets plus XL 30-seat Embraer 135 editions for bigger groups or simply to enjoy the latest in-air luxury.
The objective at JetSuite has been to make air travel as wonderful as it can be, so they are never satisfied. Owners and designers are always tweaking to accommodate different interests, changing demands, and new ideas in air travel.
The company is always trying to develop better jets while still making air travel of this kind a reality for a wider audience of consumers. Their fleet is more luxurious than charter planes, but prices are similar to those you would pay for flying with a familiar airline.
If you have the disposable income to pay full price for regular flights that are full of stress and hassle, choose JetSuite instead and forgo the long line-ups, aggressive security checks, and waiting-area boredom.
What Is JetSuiteX
This is a new service offering comfortable scheduled travel plus all the features of a commercial flight and more. It is just as safe, maybe safer, and far more enjoyable. Flight attendants look after your needs as you recline in leather seats, legs out as they would be in a business-class seat on a regular airline.
You won’t feel like a domestic animal anymore. Even head room has been extended so you can stand up and not get knocked out. If claustrophobia is what kept you away from flying before, that shouldn’t be a problem. Numbers of passengers are so small, everyone could get to know each other during their time in the air.
Relaxing interior décor includes leather seats you could sleep in with more soundproofing as not to disturb your rest and gentle color choices. Wi-Fi is free, in-flight entertainment costs nothing extra, there are power outlets for every passenger, and you will be served refreshments free of charge. Those include gourmet nibbles, soft drinks, and alcohol. Get comfortable, as though you were sitting in an easy chair at home. Drift off to the sound of your favorite music or an audio book.
Take Off
JetSuite customers rent an entire jet and choose where they wish to go. JetSuiteX is a public service for small crowds who still want to skip the waiting times and hassle of commercial flight. This is where JetSuite manages to create lower-priced services so that almost anyone who can afford to fly will be able to choose a more comfortable way to go about it. JetSuiteX provides regular service on popular routes. Get in touch to find out what routes they offer and their schedule of flights.
Cost of Luxury
A private jet costs about $8,000 for every hour in use. That works out to under $300 per hour for each person if the seats are filled. There are 30 on an E135. A three-hour domestic flight would cost $24,000 or about $900 per person for the same model, but check costs for the Phenom and CJ3. It pays to get your friends involved and travel as a group.
Scheduled American Routes
New jets are coming in 2017 but the existing line is already operating along oft-chosen routes. Their favored markets are Sacramento, Santa Barbara (both California) and Phoenix, Arizona. Carlsbad, CA will be part of their new route for the E-135 series. JetSuiteX serves passengers to the most common destinations such as Las Vegas, LA, San Francisco Bay, San Diego, San Jose, and Bozeman in Montana. Watch for more destinations as the company expands its jet fleet and pool of experience pilots, two per flight.
Make a Reservation
How do you get started on your flight from California to another US city? Give JetSuite your Departure and Arrival locations, dates, and times. Provide legal names for all passengers with birthdates and how much luggage you expect to load for the flight in bag numbers and pounds. You will need to supply an email address for each passenger and a phone number. Payment is the last piece.
You may also like: CheapAir Promotions
NEW! Review of AccuScore Sports – Accurate Data
At AccuScore, the team uses software and math to calculate the likely outcome of a game or an event. More is riding on the outcome than accolades for teams, political opponents, and other competitors in their respective fields and professions. Fans participate in games where predictions are important, such as fantasy leagues. Where betting is legal, a friendly wager is riding on who wins and not just who, but by how many points. Who scored the goals? AccuScore sports simulation provides data one can use to make a sensible prediction as to the likely outcome of a match.
About AccuScore
Perhaps the founder of AccuScore was playing fantasy football with his friends when the idea came to him: what if he, and they, could stop making random guesses? Or, imagine they no longer had to compile statistics in booklets and could refer to a model online.
That would make life a lot less complicated and data would be available from any Wi-Fi connected device. Men take their sports very seriously and AccuScore helps them bring a measure of mathematical accuracy to fan activity and betting.
Maybe the founder and his buddies tried a prototype and discovered that they were accurate much of the time; enough to believe their service could be marketable and profitable. I imagine that is how AccuScore became a real product that went live online. Guys started talking; one of them experimented with some IT; and the rest is history.
This website simulates what is likely to happen on match day using an algorithm which incorporates past performance and factors such as weather, who the coach is, who is on the team, and the location of a game (home or away). Every game goes through calculations about 10,000 times. The program covers every major sport in the United States and world soccer’s top-ten leagues.
Predict the game based on these calculations or use analytical data to go about it the old-fashioned way; using your own foresight and judgment. Rank hockey players against each other for an outcome which, though not guaranteed, is highly reliable. Use AccuScore to predict the next major election.
Who Runs Accuscore?
Tuomas Kanervala, currently CEO, deals with management overall. He turns to the expertise of numerous individuals in order to develop this online product with the objective of entertaining sports fans, whether they love basketball, hockey, or football. His previous professional work included management and consultancy with a number of major firms.
Eero Mäki-Esko, a minority shareholder on the board, offers advice regarding how to find data and create software. His decision-making skills are extremely useful as well as computer science knowledge and experience with Nokia.
Riku Soininen is an AccuScore Partner/Advisor and co-founder of his own sports-related business, Global Sports Media. His technology degree places Soininen in a good position to understand the IT aspects of this job although he participates on other boards as well with various IT companies.
Behind the Scenes
Visit the FAQ section to determine if this really is a useful tool and one you would pay to subscribe to. Find out how to navigate and use data with some special tactics for making the very most of this site. Could this be the ideal Father’s Day present for dad, the guy who inspired your love of sports?
The Posting Schedule
When your and your friends get together with their fantasy league predictions, ready to see who had it right this weekend, you might be curious as to when AccuScore posts picks. How soon before the game do they state their final choices? Statistics about the score and player analysis is updated regularly as the season progresses and every game is predicted long before the whistle blows. Obviously, youwill want to view the last stated predictions before having to submit your choices for real to a bookie or whoever controls the money when you run a pool at work or with friends.
Injuries, changes to team format, and other last-minute alterations might not play any part in predictions if they come too late, but if there is time they will be factored into data. Critical players hold the key to a win or a loss, however, so unless one of these individuals takes a hit he can’t recover from in time for match day, AccuScore predicts little change if any to the results they forecast.
Changing Sim Percentage
Right before kick-off, games are re-simulated until it’s no longer viable or ethical to do so. Once the ball is first played, no more changes will be made.
Currencies Converted
AccuScore uses the metric system rather than dealing in currency which could become confusing with the number of countries involved. There are Canadian, Italian, English, and American teams on the various rosters, for instance. Imagine what confusion that would cause during the World Cup of Soccer. Instead of money, AccuScore uses “units” of out 100.
Learn more by visiting the AccuScore website HERE.
Membership Details: How much does AccuScore Cost?
As a new member, you would be entitled to try the service for 7 days, for free. Then, following the 7-day trial, costs are either $69 US per month (or 65.00 EUR or 55.00 GBP) – billed every 31 days, or $349.00 US (or 310 EUR or 285 GBP) on the annual plan. Your membership with AccuScore shows information and results for every game in the MLB, NBA, NHL, and NFL plus Division 1A football and basketball.
Add the English Premier League (what they refer to as “football” in the UK), Italian Serie A, German Bundesliga, and Spanish Primera Liga for a total of 1,446 games per season plus the UEFA Cup. Data starts with the regular season but continues to post-season games as well. Sometimes, the prompt reads “no pick” when the points are too close to choose. Again, you can sign up for a monthly or annual membership.
Not the Same as ESPN Insider
ESPN Insider lacks full box scores and they don’t offer final scores either. AccuScore provides all the data which is an advantage of membership. Find out all of the details which contribute to the likely outcome and use them as-is or employ data to come up with an educated selection; the choice is yours. No results are guaranteed, but their algorithm gets the outcome right more often than virtually any human being. View the home page for an idea of what is available to members of this exciting service; the types of data that guys get excited discussing over a case of beer and a bowl of potato chips.
Boost Your Health With Dr. Schulze
The Dr. Schulze range of natural supplements is the brainchild of Dr. Richard Schulze, who developed his brand and products in order to give ordinary Americans an alternative to spending their life savings on expensive medical treatments. His aim was to ensure that people remain healthy by taking the right supplements and eating the right foods.
Dr. Schulze himself was diagnosed with a serious medical condition in his youth, declining the expensive surgery that doctors told him was his only option, and instead began exploring the alternative remedies that are found in nature.
Training with some of the world’s foremost experts, Dr. Schulze learned all he could about natural medicine to improve his own health. He then used this information to open his own natural medicine clinic in the 1970s and to develop the Dr. Schulze range of natural supplements.
It wasn’t until the “early 2000’s” (already seems like a long time ago!) that I, personally discovered Dr. Schulze’s message. When someone with a level head (versus hype) explains various alternatives to the standard western ways of treating symptoms, it’s easier for me to listen and learn. I instantly felt like he was onto something, and soon purchased 2 of what have probably become known as flagship products for him:
- His book, Cleanse & Heal Your Body with Dr. Schulze’s 5-day Bowel Detox, was what got things going (no pun intended haha).
- Then, we followed the actual short-term bowel cleanse – which started with:
- Intestinal Formula #1 Colon Bowel Cleanse and the
- Intestinal Formula #2 Powerful Intestinal Cleanse and Soothing Formula (BTW: I still keep some of this Formula #2 handy, in my first aid kit – just in case!)
- Then, after that short-term cleanse was done, we continued with the liver cleanse, which we followed from the information in his book, Create Powerful Health Naturally with Dr. Schulze’s 5-Day Liver Detox (you can get the actual herb formulae from his site www.herbdoc.com – they are not available on Amazon.com at this time)
Dr. Schulze’s supplements owe their success to the high standards their creator learned in treating himself and others, only using the purest herbs with no chemicals added to any of the products. By only using organic ingredients, Dr. Schulze has increased the potency of his supplements; organic food has been found to contain more nutritional benefit than the chemically farmed alternatives. There is no skimping on ingredients, and no short-cuts taken in the creation of remedies to ensure that users get the maximum benefit.
The supplements which have been created by Dr. Schulze after his lifetime of experience have been split into roughly four categories labeled nutrition, eliminate, detox and immune. The nutrition products include Dr. Schulze’s Superfood range, powders and tablets taken daily which contain 100% of recommended daily intake (RDI) of Vitamins A, B, C, E and Vitamin B12.
The Superfood range also includes bars which you can eat while on the go, in both Original and Apple and Cinnamon Crunch flavors. There are even superfood tablets for children which are smaller and easier to swallow, which contain all the vitamins in the adult version as well as being 40% protein.
In recent years, he has added the following to his product line as well:
- Dr. Schulze’s SuperMeal Powder, and
- plant based Dr. Schulze’s Organic SuperProtein Plus.
As a quick note before I forget – in the past several years, I’ve noticed Dr. Schulze looking a lot more svelte than when I first began reading his books and newsletters. He was a bit more “portly” earlier on, and now he looks a lot slimmer! Perhaps he actually practices what he preaches.
Anyway, the “eliminate” category features bowel cleansers which you take every day in tablet or powder form. These help to expel toxins from the gut and to cleanse and detoxify your digestive system. They also stimulate the natural muscular movement of the intestine.
Dr. Schulze also produces a range of detox products, which can help users to get their system clear of toxins and working healthily and effectively once again. While you can get some of these on Amazon.com, others seem to only be available at his official site, https://herbdoc.com – and here is his link to his “Author Page” at Amazon: www.amazon.com-author page Richard Schulze
Detox plans range from the 24-hour bowel detox to the full 30-day detox plan, which features products to help cleanse your liver, kidneys and bowel. These detox products use a mixture of powders, capsules, Dr. Schulze’s own detox formula and tasty herbal teas to help your body get back on an even keel.
There is also a range of supplements available from Dr. Schulze to help boost your body’s own natural defenses against cold and flu germs and other infections. The Echinacea Plus, taken daily, helps to boost your body’s defenses but can also be taken to treat the symptoms of cold and flu and help your body fight off infections. Scientifically proven to increase the number of immune cells in the body, Echinacea Plus is an effective way to prevent and treat infections in one product.
Echinacea is the primary ingredient in Dr. Schulze’s Cold and Flu Shot, along with almost 20 other natural herbs and spices. Take it at the first sign of a cold and it will help your body to fight off the infection, helping you too feel better faster. Combine Echinacea Plus with Dr. Schulze Vitamin C supplements to give yourself the best possible chance of fighting off germs before they make you feel ill.
If you are just starting out on your bid to become more naturally healthy, the Dr. Schulze Starter Kit is the perfect way to begin. Containing everything you need to cleanse your body and restore yourself to good natural health, it is ideal for those who want to feel better but are not sure how to go about it.
If you have a more serious health condition, the Incurables Program features the whole range of Dr. Schulze detox products in one, as well as Superfood capsules and additional supplements to boost your body’s defenses and help you deal with whatever health problems you are facing.
This Program does not come cheaply, but it is impossible to put a price on good health — and it is certainly cheaper than the expensive medical bills that are the alternative if your condition becomes worse.
Nootromins: All In The Mind
Nootromins crosses two things the modern shopper is familiar with: vitamins and nootropics. What you get is a pill to enhance mental performance in which the makers combine things they think work best together in order to produce higher cognitive function. The results can be seen in almost every aspect of a person’s life.
Nootropic Nootromins
FDA-approved ingredients are combined in the form of a pill you take every day as long as you want to feel more alive, alert, and have a great attitude. In under half an hour you should already start to feel your mind focus on what matters and your memory will lock and load.
Claims of Nootromins
Here is what the makers of Nootromins are saying*. It improves your ability to think and to concentrate for more than 6 hours at a time without crashing. You don’t peak and fall which is what happens with energy drinks.
That can lead to feeling stressed out, anxious, and tired. Then again, if you already feel that way, taking Nootromins will certainly help if the makers are to be trusted. You should find yourself less frustrated by mental walls; able to break through barriers that once held you back.
Consumers should feel calmer but perkier at the same time. Memory will also improve. Actually, your brain may be healthier overall.
Who Should Use Nootromins
Recommended users are students, professionals, and athletes: just about everyone. If you seek to enter a profession, want to get back to school, or are thinking of taking up sports but imagine you lack the discipline, stamina, and concentration, try Nootromins. Even if you are already there, doing what you love, do it better with a single pill made from natural ingredients.
Students First
In life, we are always students or we should be. That’s the humble, healthy way to keep learning. In the school room, however, or a college auditorium, there is a lot to take in. Lectures can be dull and long. You also feel the pressure of knowing a lot rests on how you do in these courses. Your entire career, a scholarship, dreams for the future: that’s a lot of pressure.
Professionals Who Passed
After passing university exams and finishing the studies you set out to complete, a professional life awaits you. The pressure is still there, maybe the bone-numbing fatigue of having to work and look after family. Get it all done and don’t feel exhausted: take a supplement that helps you do your job better and learn how to do new things quickly. Become a top producer in your field as well.
Sporting Attitude
What makes a great athlete: is it medals and trophies? In the real world, that’s right, but all you can be is your best self, performing at the top of your game. Do this by working harder. Enhance your ability to work and push yourself to new limits with a supplement that hits you where the BCAAs aren’t able to reach: your attitude. Push yourself; stay energized and focused on the goal.
How It Works
Nootromins improve your ability to absorb oxygen and to burn sugar as fuel. This helps you stay alert rather than feeling sluggish. That energy reaches right into your brain with micro-nutrients that fuel circulation. The brain is better able to repair itself, adapt, and to defend itself against neurological illnesses related to aging.
Quality Ingredients
After more than three quarters of a century, nutritional experts know what the brain needs to function at its best. FDA-approved, allergen-free nutrients go into every GMP-certified bottle. There are no eggs, wheat, or dairy ingredients to keep you from finding out what a healthier brain feels like.
Ingredients include Rhodiola Rosea and Bacopa Monnieri, herbs which make the brain function more quickly and fully. Caffeine activates the mind while other ingredients keep you feeling stimulated for hours.
Suggested Articles:
**Note: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. According to the company, Nootromins.com, this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
SKINNERS: The Ultimate In Ultraportable Footwear
Crowdfunding has brought a new product to fruition: SKINNERS, a very special make of sock. They were created by a small group of visionaries with a simple goal: provide socks that are good for every sort of adventure and which pamper your feet. They do more than pamper; these socks protect feet too.
SKINNERS: Socks for Adventurers
What’s wrong with ordinary socks? They don’t last. They fall down when you are in the middle of doing something active. They slip on the floor and provide zero protection.
Socks also smell bad, especially after an hour of roller blading or running. SKINNERS were designed to improve your athletic performance so you are not hindered by something as simple as a slipping sock.
Take your shoes off without embarrassment. They will help you do more and do it better, whatever “it” might be. At Indiegogo, where SKINNERS are listed, the makers say you can wear them to go rollerblading, running, climbing, hiking, cycling, and more.
A runner is pictured in the images on this Indiegogo page too and they mention yoga. Wear any kind of footwear such as soccer cleats or tough hiking boots; running shoes or cycling shoes. They will all fit comfortably with SKINNERS.
Sporting Advantages
When it comes to general fitness classes, yoga, Pilates, etc., socks can be a downer. You are not usually able to wear them as they slip on smooth surfaces. These new socks have grip, however, and also protect feet without need of shoes.
Heavy hiking boots offer excellent protection in the rocky, spiky, craggy areas where you go hiking. After the shoes come off, however, you can still wander around your immediate area wearing only socks and feel protected against stinging insects or spiky sticks. You do not need the protection of hiking boots anymore away from heavy rocks, but caution is still warranted at a public campground.
Run or train in other sports with a sock that protects and nurtures your foot. SKINNERS are comfortable and prevent strain in your feet which can cause pain and curtail your usual training season.
Sedentary Pursuits
You can’t always be moving around, but your feet will suffer if they are not protected when you are stuck in your seat on a train, airplane, or at the office. Their comfortable fit will promote better circulation than ordinary socks can provide. Wear them for long-distance traveling and for the office.
As an additional benefit, SKINNERS allow you to take your shoes off so that your feet breathe. They enable you to walk around without smelly feet bothering anyone because these are odor-preventing socks. Feet feel cozy, warm, but they do not become over-warm and sweaty.
Crowdfunding Success
After running a crowdfunding campaign, the makers of SKINNERS raised more than 6 times the capital they required to make and sell this product: over $1M. Customers can purchase these socks in various colors for $40 per pair, $75 for two, or $110 for three when you shop with Indiegogo.
Retail prices are marginally higher. Don’t forget to add shipping costs as well. Customers are already lining up, but delivery is not slated until March of 2017. Anyone living in the Northern Hemisphere will be supplied their high-tech socks before the running and hiking seasons are in full swing. Buy this sock in larger-sized packages and have it delivered in time to organize a successful Easter outing with the whole family. There are sizes to suit everyone.
Great Gift
View the profile of SKINNERS on Indiegogo where they provide a video demonstration of just how durable and protective a pair of socks can be. If you get socks as a present next year for your birthday and they happen to be SKINNERS, don’t feel let-down; they make a great present indeed.
Finally!! An IN DEPTH Lumonol Review: Our Lumonol Nootropic Experience!
If you’re looking for a REAL user’s Lumonol review, from someone who has truly tried this brain enhancement supplement, you’ve found it. While we may also answer a few general questions you might have (like we had at first), we’re not going to go into the obvious stuff that you can get directly from their website, www.lumonol.com, since that would merely be restating what has been written probably a hundred times.
If you read our introduction to how we were going to prepare a Lumonol review (here), or our general post about nootropics (here), you already know the basics.
So, let’s get to it!
It’s been a few weeks since I began using Lumonol, and I’ve been keeping some notes on my experience!
My Initial Questions about Lumonol
For the most part, my primary questions were as follows, along with some we figure others might be asking as well:
Are there any REAL Lumonol reviews (versus just regurgitated stuff?)
I didn’t find too many, which is why we wanted to buy it and try it ourselves. And when it comes to brain enhancement supplement reviews to begin with, it seems like most of them are just re-phrasing stuff you can already find at the websites or webmd.com and similar sites.
We did find a couple that appeared that the people did actually try it. So, the answer is yeah, there are a few. Ours is one of them. And ours goes into a bit different type of detail that we hope you’ll find helpful. Back to Top
What are Lumonol’s side effects?
We talk about our own experience below, and this is also discussed at the company’s official website; however, in researching the various ingredients, we saw that in some cases someone might experience jitters or irregular heartbeat (my primary concern).
Because of the powerhouse of various nootropic stacks in these types of brain supplements and formulas, I had some initial questions about potential side effects since the supplements do contain Guarana, which is a natural source of caffeine, and I have been sensitive to caffeine in the past.
In general I tend to limit how much coffee or tea that I consume. If you have any health issues that might be of concern, you’d want to do some due diligence on each of the ingredients before you commit. The company has crystal clear images of the ingredients, along with explainations of how they work. Of course, you can check each ingredient against other sites like Wikipedia or LiveStrong that explain what different ingredients are supposed to do as well. Back to Top
What are Lumonol’s benefits?
According to the company, while they are not allowed to make specific claims, their customers report that they are noticing being more focused, more highly motivated, more calm in general, and less anxious. This is similar to what I personally noticed (which we discuss at length below):
They have a page of testimonials from customers, and a lot of them feel the same way I do. Back to Top
Why aren’t there any Free Trials?
We discovered that this was not a “one-off” type of dosage, where you take the pill and all of a sudden you’re able to focus like an Einstein. Free trials wouldn’t work because in order for you to get the full effect they’d pretty much have to give away an entire bottle since you need to take it for more than a day or two. BUT, they have a number of discounted offers that bring the price down considerably. Back to Top
Are there any Lumonol coupon codes?
We haven’t seen too many; however, we are affiliates, and if the company was going to offer one – say, as a special promotion – we would be notified, and then we would put out a special post about it, which you would find HERE.
They do offer discounts when you buy more than one bottle, and those savings can be just as effective as a promo code. Back to Top
Is Lumonol sold on Amazon or just their website?
At the time of this writing, we have NOT found it on Amazon.com. Thus far we have only seen Lumonol offered at its official site HERE, at least as far as being able to buy it online is concerned. It’s possible they have it listed for sale elsewhere, but right now this is where we’ve seen it. Back to Top
Disclaimers and Clarifications
I know that some people educated as medical doctors and researchers might say that supplements of any kind aren’t proven. I’m not the type of person to only listen to naysayers. While I respect educated opinions, I also feel it’s important for me to keep an open mind. I’ve always been like this. And, I’ve always been one to personally seek out alternatives to prescription drugs when possible – again, this is my personal choice, and I’m not advising anyone to do as I do.
Also, because most supplement companies can’t actually make any specific claims – you always see the disclaimer required by the FDA at the sites saying something like: “The statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.”– I wanted to study the subject matter a little bit more before buying it.
So, because of my own personal bent, whenever I see certain members of the medical or scientific community categorically dismiss something, I tend to look a little deeper.
Nonetheless, if I find a lot of articles or opinion that clearly and continually say that there are bad side effects noted with certain supplements, I’ll pretty much steer clear of them. There are plenty of supplements I won’t touch! Back to To
Fortunately, Lumonol passed the muster for me.
I found very little, if anything at all, for me to be concerned about in my personal situation. And, even when it comes to the Guarana, the source of caffeine in the supplement – there didn’t seem to be an overabundance of that anyway.
I actually wound up looking up just about every ingredient in the blend, just to be sure I felt ok about taking something I’d never tried before.
Like I said, my biggest concern was the Guarana, however, the entire “energy blend” is calculated at 430 mg per dose, and that includes the Guarana, Asian Ginseng, and the Hordenine HCL.
Why Was I Even DOING This?
Put it this way – I had to try something to help my focus and ability to concentrate. I absolutely love my work here at MyFavDeals, and there are so many amazing products to write about, so many videos to create, and so many deals to find and post. You should see my list of projects (and dreams) for this site!
So, because I was finding myself getting distracted merely by virtue of working online (researching one thing can send me down a rabbit hole a mile long, and I get lost in the twists and turns and can find it difficult to remain focused on the topic at hand) – well… that’s what got me going on trying a brain supplement to begin with. And, I liked how many things one formulation might be able to address… You can check it out for yourself here. Back to Top
Some of the things I was particularly interested in addressing include:
- a general lack of energy in the afternoon (even if I don’t eat grains or sugar)
- my tendencies to get off-track when researching a topic
- a seeming inability to “get started” due to feelings of overwhelm
- “flitting” from thing to thing, jumping from one topic to another before completing a task
So, do I sound like someone who probably should have been diagnosed with some type of ADHD when I was a kid?
The thing is, I did NOT want to get on some type of prescription drug. And that was pretty much what made me begin looking for some potential solutions.
And, because of my business (which of course is reviewing and promoting various products), a number of nootropic supplements naturally come to my attention. When I saw information on Lumonol cross my desk, I became intrigued because it seemed to address more than one of my areas of concern. Back to Top
There are a few other nootropics that also look promising, especially for mental clarity and focus, and we promote them here as well. But for now, I really wanted to give Lumonol a try.
By the way…Yes, I DO eat Veggies!
Just in case one of my readers is involved in the health or nutrition field, I really do eat a lot of freshies and I exercise regularly these days, so I do take additional steps to improve my brain health.
I have also considerably increased my water intake (actually keeping track of how much water I’m drinking), and dramatically cut back on consuming foods containing wheat, grains, and soy (except right now as I type because I’m typing this Lumonol review during the Christmas holiday season and I confess to giving in to temptation of all the treats in front of me every day this week). Back to Top
OK… Enough preliminaries…
Let’s get on with our “official” Lumonol nootropics review!
I asked Martin, my partner here at MyFavDeals.org what he thought too – and I’ll share his thoughts as well since he decided to try it too.
At this point, I’d like to offer up what Martin and I talked about, which more or less falls into the following categories:
Hopefully our discussion may help you if you are considering buying Lumonol for yourself!
Initial Ordering Process: Our Initial Impressions
Kath: Personally, I felt that the website was very easy to navigate, and when looking at which product or bundle options were available, I was able to quickly decide what I wanted to try, and why.
The layout of the “nootropic stacks” as they are often called, it was a simple task to look – almost at a glance – to see which effects I was primarily interested in.
It took me almost no time to decide that a mix of the Lumonol Smart Drink and Capsules was going to be what I might find best for my situation. I like the mix of both!
Martin: Oh yeah, the site was definitely easy to use. I’ve taken my share of brain supplements, and so I’ve seen a bunch of nootropics websites.
One thing I want to point out is that I like how they stick to the product itself; in other words, it’s all about the supplement, and they don’t veer into swag or clothing. So, I could make the decision fast. Oh, and I chose just the tablets.
Only one ordering glitch…
Kath: I think the ONLY criticism I have with the ordering process in general was that when I was browsing, one of those “chat windows” popped up, with the text told me that if I used the coupon code “Agent8” and if I clicked a link in the box, I’d get a free bottle of their Luna nootropic sleep aid.
So, I figured what the heck, right? But it didn’t work for me, and I tried it twice. No big deal since I don’t have trouble sleeping anyway, but that’s one thing that was confusing.
In the end, I just ordered my capsules and the Lumonol Smart Drink, and the ordering process was easy.
Martin: Haha! I must not have been on the site as long as you because I didn’t get that window! No biggie. I had no problem with ordering.
Another Plus: They Take PayPal
One thing I want to point out that I think is a plus for them is that they take PayPal. Not everyone does, and I like paying for stuff with PayPal.
Kath: Yup! Me too! I have a copy of the receipt, so I can show readers what the order looks like here…
Martin: I want to also add that I had my order within just a couple of days.
Kath: Same here. No issues whatsoever. And that was 2 of us with 2 completely separate orders. Back to Top
Lumonol Side Effects
Kath: Martin, I was concerned about jitters, but didn’t have ANY. Actually, I’m pleased to report that I haven’t had ANY negative issues since taking it! And I am quite sensitive to caffeine as I mentioned earlier.
Of course I’ve been careful about how many tablets or “scoops” of the Lumonol Smart Drink that I have, and I’m also cognizant of how close together I take these doses.
Martin: Yeah, I think that it’s smart to move slowly if you weren’t sure about the caffeine. Personally I didn’t notice any jitters or caffeine overload at all. I do drink my share of coffee, but this didn’t put me over any edge or anything.
Guarana: Natural Caffeine Source
Kath: I’m still gonna go easy on dosage, because I did read that the caffeine in Guarana COULD cause irregular heartbeat, but so far so good. Again, it’s just something that I’ve noticed in the past when I’ve had too much coffee or tea.
Martin: If anything, and I don’t actually know if I’d call this a side effect, but I would have to say I can stick on a particular topic a little longer. Maybe like a “calm” feeling. Hmm. Maybe that should go under “Lumonol benefits” or something…
Kath: Yeah, I felt the same way. Ok… I guess we’ll move on to the next category then!
Changes or Noticeable Differences
Kath: One thing I noticed was that I have been recalling “little” things – like, I’ll tell John I’m going to do something small, like look something up for him later on, and later on, I’ve actually remembered to do it without being reminded.
And, Martin, you mentioned something like a more “calm” feeling. That’s a good way of saying it. It’s almost a change in the manner of my thought process.
Sometimes, my mind races, especially since I’m trying to write about so many different things. And I’m thinking about a dozen different projects at once.
And, I’ve mentioned this to you before, where I cannot seem to sit still. Like, I’ll have a review to write, or a bunch of new coupon codes to list, and I just can’t seem to concentrate for a more than a few minutes at a time.
Frankly, we have so much work to do on this site that I don’t have the luxury of adult ADD or whatever the heck it is that stops me from concentrating and focus.
But, in the weeks since I’ve been taking the Lumonol – and I have been pretty much taking one capsule, and ½ scoop of the Smart Drink – I’ll be darned if I haven’t noticed an increase in my productivity.
The Company Includes a Detailed Instruction Guide
Martin: Haha! That’s awesome! You know though, remember that their downloaded PDF with the usage guidelines emphasizes “cycling” – taking it for 5 days, then NOT taking it for the next 2. Or, they also say that if you take it for 3 months to take a month off.
And they also say that the benefits don’t seem to be permanent. So to me it would make sense to try the 5 days on – 2 days off cycle to see how that works. It’s only been a few weeks, so it’s a little soon to tell for sure.
Kath: I’m glad you mentioned that PDF guide! I had been taking a tablet at lunch, and then ½ scoop of the Lumonol Smart Drink a little later. Like, within an hour or so. No afternoon slump either. Of course, eating well helps with that as well!
But, I’m wondering now if I should have it a little earlier. I’ll experiment with that.
One more thing I want to mention quickly is that Lumonol has a VERY good blog on the site. It’s chock-full of informational and educational posts and articles. Check out their Blog HERE.
Not an Instant Fix – Give it Time
Martin: Also, we need to remind readers that it takes a while to kick in. In my personal experience Lumonol doesn’t kick in instantly – but I honestly didn’t expect it too.
Kath: I actually felt “something” pretty quickly – but, no, not instantly though. I would have to say that even though it’s only been a few weeks, I can say that I HAVE been more productive.
Martin: He he… that’s good for the site!
Kath: Very funny! But it’s true! And, like I was mentioning, that kind of “calm” feeling, and ability to just concentrate on the task at hand. Even doing some of the other part-time work I have, I’ve noticed that I’m doing some of those tasks a little faster but with the same level of quality. Can’t quite put my finger on it, but it’s almost like I’m not constantly going back over something I just did to be sure I did it correctly. It’s like I KNOW I did it correctly, I remember what I did, and I don’t need to double back to make double sure. Back to Top
Additional Thoughts or Comments
Finally, everyone wants to know:
Is Lumonol worth the money?
Kath: So what do you think? Worth it?
Martin: Oh, I think so because time is money. To use your own example, when we spend less time revisiting stuff or removing distractions, then obviously we get more done.
Kath: Yeah, I look at the way we’re supposed to cycle the dosages. In my case, I bought the bottle of 60 Lumonol caps, and the Smart Drink which will EASILY last 2 months. Actually, it might last even a little more. So in my case I paid about $117 for a one-time purchase of both the capsules and Smart Drink. Even if it lasted me only 2 months, that would be $1.95 and probably less per day.
Also, it depends on any Lumonol coupon codes of course, which might bring that to even less. Also, if you buy more than a one shot deal, you spend less.
A buck-ninety-five per day well spent when we’re looking at a day’s work! Back to Top
We feel that given the price and how long a bottle might last – especially if you were to buy more than a one months’ supply, Lumonol appears to be a well-balanced formula, and worth the cost.
Something for All Age Groups
We did like the fact that there was a formulation for more than one segment of the population. For example, I did appreciate that they have the “Lumonol Wisdom” formula that targets a more senior population.
One thing we scarcely mentioned was the “Lumonol Prep” formula that has been created for the youth age group from 8-years old to teenagers. And because neither of us have kids around we couldn’t try it out on anyone in our own families.
Nonetheless, I appreciate that the Lumonol Prep does NOT have caffeine, and that is a good thing (in my opinion).
Finally, I totally appreciate the powdered Lumonol Smart Drink, which made it very easy for me adjust my own dosages. I believe that this is an excellent addition to their product options.
Thanks for tuning in to our Lumonol review everyone. Back to Top