MiaMily Hipster Plus 3D Baby Carrier
More women would carry their babies against their bodies in a baby carrier if they didn’t suffer so much back pain as a result, or worry about what it was doing to their infant’s hips. The MiaMily Hipster Plus 3D carrier hopes to change all that.
Their new product is designed to support a baby’s natural shape and healthy development. The company aims to relieve your sore back, too, so you can enjoy that closeness you feel from carrying an infant, but without having to lug him in your arms. Let go and enjoy your baby.
Selecting a Baby Carrier to Prevent a Hip Problem
MiaMily addresses a common complaint among babies: hip dysplasia. This is a condition frequently caused by improper positioning of the legs in a car seat, sling, or carrier. Hip dysplasia can also be a birth defect. Selecting a well-made product which addresses this concern will help provide stability in a baby’s hips and prevent pain or even correct hip dysplasia as a condition experienced from birth.
The trouble is that we imagine a baby’s legs should be straight, hip’s distance apart, like ours. Really, they need to be bent, wide, and raised. It doesn’t look natural but babies love this position.
Mommy and Daddy Pain
A carefully crafted baby carrier also relieves the stress on an adult’s back, one of those typical conditions men and women suffer from until their babies are school-aged it would seem. Children want to be carried, but at least prevent strain in the early days if you can. Holding a weight of any kind close to your body is always best for your back.
Expert-approved MiaMily Hipster Plus 3D
An organization known as the International Hip Dysplasia Institute tested the MiaMily Hipster Plus 3D and approved its design. They believe this is a safe carrier for babies, one that will potentially prevent hip dysplasia in your infant. The Hipster Plus 3D supports an infant’s legs in the right angle called an “M” with legs wide and knees at the same height as hips. They also believe the ergonomic style is ideal for preventing parental pain.
Details of the MiaMily Hipster Plus 3D
3D stands for “3 directions” because you can adjust the carrier to hold your baby back, front, or side. Choose whichever angle is most comfortable for you and your baby or most practical for the purpose at hand. When a baby has grown into a toddler, she is probably easier to carry on your back where there is more leg room and she doesn’t need to see your face constantly. Turn the baby at your front to face you or to face outward.
One wide, soft strap rests against a parent’s back or front depending on orientation. This makes it comfortable for mother or father. Wide, soft straps over her shoulders prevent digging and discomfort. Everything is fastened fully for safety at several points along the parent’s body while the baby rests comfortably in the cushiony softness of the carrier.
There is even a zipper making this a fanny pack and a carrier at the same time. Store essentials and keep them close at hand; items like wipes, a small toy, and snacks for baby and parent.
MiaMily Behind the Scenes
The people behind MiaMily profess a passion for making high-quality products that parents can trust. They rely strongly on the feedback they receive from moms and dads all over the world; men and women who have helped them to create this, their best carrier yet.
Cecilia and Alessandro are the founders of this Swiss company. They proudly parent their own pair of daughters whose names inspire the company moniker: Mia and Emily. When traveling at home or abroad they want their girls at their sides, so they know how much such closeness means to other parents too.