Mourning Our Orlando FL Brothers and Sisters


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We – along with the rest of the world – were horrified to learn of the devastating tragedy that has befallen our brothers, sisters, and their families in Orlando, Florida. We have no words that could possibly comfort those left behind.

I have been thinking about what I could possibly write that could ever help ease any pain in the hearts of those who were targeted in this horrific attack (and who, through some miracle survived – at least physically) and the families of those who did not survive.

The more that I ponder what to write, the more I come to believe that there are no words that exist in the English language – at least none that I know of – that can provide any comfort.

I have no words.

I only have feelings. And, unfortunately I am not a good enough writer to articulate my feelings when it comes to something like this. All I can tell you is that I feel so much love for those of you who survived, for those who have not, and for those who have been left behind.

And even those words seem so insignificant.

It’s difficult – on a day such as today – for me to post anything except thoughts of love for all of you, and condolences on behalf of all of us at

We will keep all of you in our hearts as we all try to move forward in the days ahead.

We love you all so much. #Orlando

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