Helix Sleep And Custom Slumber
Each body is different. Weight, age, injuries, and medical conditions influence the way a person sleeps. Even the mattress itself plays into sleep patterns or sleeplessness, even pain. One’s position on the bed rarely stays the same year after year. Sleep problems can often be linked to sleeping on the wrong mattress, but regular mattresses are made for the average person, not for the individual.
At Helix, a company based in Chicago, they know that there is no average body; only your body. They are passionate about mattresses; fanatical even.
Helix isn’t embarrassed about their obsession with your best sleep and they want consumers to dream about a restful night before it even happens.
For once, dreams can become a reality with little effort on the customer’s part. Leave one-size-fits-all mattresses behind and shop online for the best sleep you have ever had.
How They Do It
Helix starts with a customer’s body type and takes positioning into account as well. Do you sleep on your side, your back, your belly, or curled up in a ball?
With their knowledge of body mechanics, they have the answer to years of poor sleep. Each product is specifically made for the individual, unique customer with the correct density of foam, correct support, and springiness.
Professionals at Helix took their own experiences as customers and sleepers into consideration and they understand how hard it is to buy a mattress at the shop that wasn’t made for you.
Here are the features Helix uses to calculate the shape of your best night’s sleep. They look at density or the weight of foam or latex. You want a high-density material for lasting quality. Even though it is dense, your mattress can be adjusted to offer a softer or harder feel.
The Indentation Load Deflection rating or ILD is what that’s all about. Watch an informational video at Helix to see how that’s figured out. Coil Count is last or counting the springs. Pocketed coils or microcoils can handle pressure from all directions unlike regular coils in most commercial mattresses.
Customer Service
The best customer service is standard when someone is taking your every need into consideration. No service could be more personalized and unique to the individual. Moreover, the people at Helix really care and they are there to talk in the real or virtual realm.
Call or email today. The health of your spine and the deepness of your sleep are seriously important to these people. With science to back them up, they can truly make a difference with custom features that adjust temperature, softness, and support.
What about Couples?
Can couples get a good night sleep on the same mattress if their individual bodies have different needs? This is one of the hardest things about buying a mattress; pleasing both people.
In the end, many couples end up sleeping on two beds pushed together or going to different rooms and sleeping apart. That’s no longer necessary; not at Chicago’s Helix Sleep. Ask about mattresses for two.
How to Start
A 2- to 3-minute quiz asks about the build of your body and the way you sleep. It’s the kind of quiz you always get 100% on. Once they know what your body shape is like and the way you arrange your body at night, Helix makes your mattress from scratch.
Do all of this online in the comfort of a supportive chair at an ergonomic desk and within 10 days your specially-designed mattress will arrive in an octagonal box on wheels. Just wheel this heavy item to the bedroom.
Those wheels are so considerate; it’s ironic how many people hurt their backs trying to lift a mattress designed for people with back pain. Give the mattress almost an hour to settle into position and you might feel a snooze coming on.