Wow! VaporFi is on a ROLL!

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Hey all! Thanks for tuning in to our brand spankin’ new VaporFi review! This is about as current as it gets given all the changes in the vape industry lately. Anyway, as many long-time vapers know, VaporFi began operating online a few years ago as VaporZone, but changed their name a short way into the firm’s history. They also run several physical stores. The Miami area is home to the firm, but stores started popping up in other parts of Florida before they spread their net into adjoining states. That physical presence is augmented by a strong online community. People shop at VaporFi from around the country using their internet commerce site and they also connect with one another socially using various social media links like Twitter and Facebook.


vaporfi-vox-collection-tc-box-mods-shop-nowVaporFi has been one of the foremost companies in the area of virtual socialization and communication. They use their Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram pages to stay abreast of what their clients are talking about, what they say about the brand, and what they want from VaporFi.

These channels are also useful for disseminating information about upcoming products and have been used effectively to develop hype about new models or upgrades of old models like their Rocket, Pro, Rebel, and VOX series (for example, as you can see in the picture at left, they are promoting the VOX Built-In Battery TC Vape MOD collection). As a result, each product is launched swiftly and successfully. By the time it’s available for purchase, customers know all about it and VaporFi knows they are offering what vapers are looking for.

Top Customer Service

Being accessible to customers is one thing; the ability to communicate warmly and effectively is another. VaporFi gets full marks most of the time in this department. Their customer service team can be reached by holding a live chat on the website during business hours, calling the toll-free phone number, dropping by a store, or emailing the company using their online form. A lot of negative comments found in reviews of products have been addressed quickly and the response is featured below a customer’s original comment so that other shoppers can see how VaporFi politely dealt with a customer’s concern. This strategy goes a long way towards endearing the firm to vapers and their loved ones looking for an e cig company that can supply a smoker with this effective smoking alternative in a desperate attempt to end his urge to puff on killer cigs.

Product Range

If you could go back in time and see the VaporFi website as it was in 2012 then compare it side-by-side with today’s catalog, you wouldn’t recognize the two sites. Well, the style has not changed. Products, however, have gone through many transformations and others have left the scene. Do you remember the Air, Pulse, or Jet? Each one of these was an innovation in the way e cigs appeared but they fell to the wayside with even better innovations. Whether customers disliked them, sales were not good enough, or they were victims of progress, those three are gone.

vaporfi-rebel-3-starter-kit-advanced-vaporizer-shop-nowThe Pro has been upgraded twice so that customers are now looking at Version III. The Rebel and Rocket must have been crowd pleasers because VaporFi has launched third versions of these items too (Note the Rebel 3 Advanced Vaporizer kit to the right).

The Express has stayed in spite of a decided leaning towards advanced modes and VaporFi has developed a sturdy reputation as the advanced vaper’s friend. Most of their catalog is dedicated to supplying mid- or high-level, sub ohm vaping. Although new vapers definitely belong here as much as the next person, they will be encouraged to ditch that less-economic means of vaping and head for loftier post-smoking heights.

VaporFi added the Orbit, an herbal vaporizer for people who prefer to vape dry materials rather than e juice. Consequently, VaporFi has enjoyed cross-over success in both the e cig and vaporizer markets.

E Juice Changes

This part of the company has changed a lot too. Firstly, VaporFi offered a series of pre-made flavors and the custom juice blending service. They even launched the latter of these using a controversial television commercial which was subsequently banned, and for good reason. It was in poor taste but got the message across (it was the now famous VaporFi Super Bowl commercial). With custom flavor building and their extensive range, the possible options topped 30,000.

vaporfi-vape-juice-25-off-shop-nowThe original line was ready for FDA approval pretty much from the get-go. VaporFi took a highly professional and measured approach to this side of the business, perhaps anticipating the problems that would face e juice manufacturers. They opened a regulated lab, hired chemists and other professionals to supervise mixing and bottling, selected approved ingredients (approved for the food or pharmaceutical industries as there were no e cig standards at the time), and were able to reassure clients of their purity and quality.

When the firm released APVs, changes were happening in the background. But with the launch of their VOX box mod, VaporFi also devised a new sub ohm group of products. Their Reserve line is now also being phased out, but it was replaced with an even better high-VG Grand Reserve. The result of their tweaking and attention to detail is that some companies carrying only artisan e liquids do not feature VaporFi Grand Reserve next to other top-shelf offerings. Few American e cig brands have managed such a feat, Halo being the notable exception.

Company History

VaporFi was started by people who wanted to bring customers the high standards they were lacking early in the history of this industry. When they started, a lot of cheap stuff was on internet and physical shelves. Prices were exorbitant. VaporFi entered when the three-part e cig was a thing of the past and felt like a fresh new face in the crowd. They soon overtook their competition.

The owners talk about being in this industry for a long time, although there is no such thing as a “long time” where e cigs are concerned; only relatively long. Let’s just say they have experience and are deeply invested in what they do.

Let’s Talk Competition

Who is competing with VaporFi in today’s e cig market? Closest rivals are probably V2 and Mig Vapor. Both of these companies like to innovate, introduce new products regularly, and Mig Vapor in particular lists a huge array of products. VaporFi wins out over Mig Vapor, however, in reviews, sales, and professionalism. We’ll talk more about the value of a good website, but VaporFi excels at keeping their site organized and being ruthless will old designs.

VaporFi and the Competition

Someone at VaporFi (or the website designer they hired off-site) has an eye for crisp, easy-to-read font and design. They chose bright colors but judiciously chosen contrast makes them easy to read. Images show healthy-looking but ordinary people enjoying vaping. Green and white motifs, clean and green, provide a sense that VaporFi sees itself leading from an environmental standpoint while also addressing the question of health. How will vaping help a smoker? Is vaping healthy in its own right?

Drop by the site here and you will develop a sense of well-being before reading a single word simply on the basis of web design. Actually, because we really are SO impressed by VaporFi, we created one of our Exclusive “Quick Look” Videos to introduce you to the website, and point out just a few of the highlights that this forward-thinking company is doing. After you check out the video – it’s only about a minute and a half – our VaporFi review continues below…

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VaporFi Website Organization

Why does this matter to the success of a company? Your landing page makes a first impression and the impression VaporFi creates, as noted above, is positive on several counts. Right away their professionalism struck me. This is a young industry, and to create a confident, business-like persona without losing sight of the fun and benefits of e cigs is a tremendous feat. VaporFi pulled it off.

Their site is organized so that consumers are able to quickly find what they are looking for in electronics, starter kits, accessories, and e juice categories. They sell so many products there is even a Clearance section and I always come away impressed with their selection of goodies. VaporFi is almost an all-purpose site like MyVaporStore or Beast Vape.

Extensive extras give consumers insight into general industry-related news as well as items of interest to VaporFi consumers exclusively. They post a blog, social media links, testimonials, education, videos, and more. The FAQ section is fairly good. There are numerous ways to earn points, all of them clearly explained, and the affiliate marketing scheme at VaporFi is among the most successful of all e cig affiliate programs.

Main Competition

By the time VaporFi showed up on the scene, firms like Halo, V2, NJoy, and South Beach Smoke had already become popular. Blu, Bull Smoke, 777, NuCig, Bloog: the list was pretty long and it didn’t feel like the industry needed yet another contributor to the commercial chaos. V2 had held the top position on many lists; Green Smoke sometimes took their mantle. A benefit of all this competition has been the lowering of prices. Another has been improvement in quality. Why has VaporFi lasted and gone from one strength to the next? Who is competing most strongly against them?

Firms like Eonsmoke do not usually rank all that highly against VaporFi because, though their range is similarly impressive, the site is not as professionally done. It has the air of a business run from someone’s basement. They need to provide more in-depth descriptions of items like e juice as well and get into the details of how and where it is made.

Halo is a stronger competitor, established and sophisticated, with 4 electronic cigarette models and one of the nation’s best-loved brands of e juice. V2 has just released a new type of e cig for beginners set to compete in the mini cig market, not come face-to-face with mods. Their Pro Series 3 and 7 nudged VaporFi, but more in the market for herbal and oil vapes rather than e liquids. They have their niche. South Beach Smoke happens to be a sister company and their line-up is diverse, but not as advanced as the one at VaporFi. Volcano E Cigs is perhaps the one American e cig business that has truly embraced exciting innovation in advanced mods.

Chinese Competitors

VaporFi’s strongest competitors, however, are probably Chinese manufacturers such as Innokin, Sigelei, SMOK, and Joyetech. These companies have placed considerable emphasis on providing high-tech products for advanced vapers including box mods, tube mods, TC devices, and sub ohm tanks. VaporFi appears more interested in this side of the industry than most other American firms. They saw where the trends were going before most other firms did, having sat back and entered a little late. This gave them time to process what was happening, where it was going, and to enter the market strongly.

Graduated Program for Vapers


Shop VaporFi! Click the image to proceed directly to the VaporFi website.

Their Express E Cig and Pro III are nods to a less experienced market, but the loyal customers who start here can also graduate step by step through the more complex devices until they reach the VOX without going to Sigelei or SMOK to buy the next level of e cig.

As a result, vapers keep their loyalty points, enjoy the familiarity of VaporFi’s reputation and quality, and they can apply points towards discounts. They support an American company and feel like part of a conversation; a community no less. Customers at VaporFi directly influence what comes next by sharing their experiences.

Personal Touch

It’s not just the online market that makes VaporFi such a popular company. They pair their internet success with a personal touch, running street-level stores in the Southeast of America. Obviously, Chinese firms are not able to do that; Halo does not run any dedicated shops; and most of the other brands are available online unless some firm decides to become a distributor of the brand. Several brick-and-mortar stores carry starter kits, but they aren’t solely Halo or Green Smoke vendors.

The Future for VaporFi

Florida’s VaporFi shows no signs of letting new regulations slow them down. They are big enough to weather the financial hardships coming to all e cig and e juice manufacturers. VaporFi will not have to go through a lot of transition at the vape juice lab, thanks to the proactive measures they took. Much of the protocol they would need to establish to remain online and in stores and to legally function at their current level of success is in place already.

Consumers can anticipate continued innovation at VaporFi, more promotions, contests, new models of electronics and tanks, and additional flavors of e liquid. Unlike customers with some companies, VaporFi members won’t be rushing to use up points, cut their losses, and make a transition to some other brand. That’s good news. Clients at VaporFi are fortunate enough to enjoy consistency in every aspect of their vaping involvement, thanks to the size and forward-thinking of this major US e cig business.

Thanks so much for reading this up-to-date and in-depth VaporFi review!

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2.8/5 - (5 votes)

About Kath

Hi! It's Kath here, and I've been with from the very start. Like everyone else here on the team, I have a number of roles. I'm a creative editor, product reviewer (including creating video reviews), and I'm our vendor relations specialist among other things. I love finding cool products and great deals for our readers. Working on this site is such a joy, and I'm grateful to be here!

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