SUN BASKET Meal Delivery Has Expanded to the Eastern U.S.!
This is fabulous news for fans of the Sun Basket Meal Delivery service, the top rated meal delivery service, that is!! We got the word early last week that the eastward expansion was finally in place! Many of us – me included – had reached out to the folks at Sun Basket, lamenting that, at the time, they were only available on the West Coast. (UPDATE: September 2016: We have just completed what we feel is the most comprehensive Sun Basket review available. Read our Sun Basket Review Here!)
I well recall their very welcoming response, and gratitude for interest in their home delivered, farm-to-table meals. Until now, there had been nothing like it in our area, and well… we just felt left out! 🙂 So these are indeed exciting times for both us, and Sun Basket. I urge anyone on the east coast who has been hoping for a true healthy food delivery service to support the effort to make sure that they stay!
But wait, there’s MORE! You have heard of BuzzFeed, right? Well, there’s even more terrific news! Sun Basket had told me that:
“in a recent head-to-head meal delivery kit faceoff – held independently by BuzzFeed – Sun Basket received a perfect score. Our great taste, amazing recipes, premium ingredient quality and ease of cooking and cleanup won over the judges!”
Now, of course I love Sun Basket, but I wanted to see this for myself! So, off to BuzzFeed I went, and actually found the FIRST high marks from an April 4, 2016 column, 10 Life-Changing Things To Try In April – and among those “life-changing things” was Sun Basket! (Note: I was also pleasantly surprised to see that among that “life-changing” list was the famous Squatty Potty that we originally learned about from Shark Tank, and feature here on MyFavDeals.)
So, anyway, in that original BuzzFeed article, the writer, Nicole Nguyen explained why Sun Basket was thus far her favorite meal-in-a-box kit for 3 primary reasons: 1) The company appears to be environmentally responsible since they offer a return label so that you can ship the box, ice packs, and insulation back to them so they can reuse them, 2) they source their products from regional farms, and 3) – and possibly most important for many people who just want to eat and not worry about planning what they want to eat, she said that she considered the recipes to be healthy and filling, and – her words, “INSANELY good.”
Now, fast-forward to this month (May 2016), and BuzzFeed did a comparison of eight different meal-in-a-box kits – here’s the basic rundown:
- Sun Basket: Hands down – the BuzzFeed favorite! They gave it a rock solid 10 out of 10 rating. In these reviews, they would talk about the “Good” and the “Bad.” The “Good” here was that the recipes worked AND tasted great, there was little packaging waste, and the meals were easy to prepare. The “Bad?” Nothing! And I quote: “Honestly, there wasn’t anything really bad about this service. They kinda nailed it.” But, to be fair, let’s look at the other 7 options that they reviewed…
- Marley Spoon: They liked for some of the recipes themselves, but not so much the way the instructions showed what appeared to be non-representative of the actual dish pictured. They did give this a 9/10 rating.
- Purple Carrot: This is a primarily plant-based meal delivery kit, and it won BuzzFeed’s vote for “most eco-friendly,” but felt some of the esoteric ingredients might be puzzling to some. They gave it a 9/10.
- Hello Fresh: The panel thought the meals were easy to make, but felt that overall they were a little boring, giving it a 7/10 – but from my perspective, not everyone is looking for fancy meals, so in all fairness, because this group also makes family-sized kits, this might be the ticket for families. See Hello Fresh discounts here.
- Plated: The biggest thing the panelists seemed most concerned about – and understandably so – was that in one of their meals, the main ingredient (lamb) was missing. Kind of a bummer. They also felt like the instructions didn’t work the way they were supposed to, and Plated wound up with a 7/10.
- Blue Apron: This did not get much praise from the group; they said a lot of people might buy this option simply because they’re one of the originals in the meal delivery space and people recognize the name. Also a turn off was that the packaging containing the chicken was punctured, and so raw chicken juice leaked out. Yuck. From their description, it sounds like I might leave them alone and try one of the newer guys. And, BuzzFeed seemed to think that they’d only recommend Blue Apron to people who had literally never heard of anything else. The rating was a 6/10. And if you’re trying to weigh SunBasket vs Blue Apron? Well, again, it’s like comparing apples to oranges. Sun Basket’s quality is coming in ahead. Moving on…
- Terra’s Kitchen: “Plant strong and nutrient dense” seemed to be the catch-phrase here. The BuzzFeed panel said that these were VERY easy to prepare, but the ingredients didn’t smell at all fresh. They didn’t recommend the service, giving it a 2/10.
- Home Chef: Well, this is at the bottom of their list. They just didn’t like it and gave it a 1/10. It’s possible that they just got a bad delivery. They didn’t care for the way the recipes worked either. It’s too bad, because I’ve seen a number of good reviews for them.
But, that’s the run down on what BuzzFeed had to say about these meal delivery services, and again, Sun Basket is just kicking butt when it comes to this niche!
So, to sum it up, not only is Sun Basket meal delivery service now pretty much nationwide, they are becoming the leader in being able to create and deliver delicious, healthy recipes using the best, freshest organic, non-GMO ingredients!
Oh – they are also the only meal delivery service (that I’ve seen) that offers a breakfast option. They definitely have customizable meal plans for Paleo, Gluten Free, and Vegetarians. Eat what you want without the grocery shopping!