What The Heck Are Nootropics?

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Say what? You haven’t heard of “Nootropics?” Don’t worry – neither did I until fairly recently! Nootropics is the title being given to a few drugs and supplements that are supposed help to improve cognitive motor function and perhaps more importantly, contribute to easing the symptoms of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Huntington’s as well as ADHD. In spite of inconclusive research, they are becoming more of an option for easing such symptoms mentioned above.


There are a variety of nootropic supplements at Amazon – Click the image to see the choices!

The actual word Nootropic is a term that is frequently used for any supplement that a person takes to work for the brain function and cognitive ability.

If a product helps the person to focus or improve their alertness and relax, it is considered to be a nootropic.

The actual word Nootropic is Greek for “Toward the Mind.” As supplements are taken the goal is to improve the memory and function of the mind.

As more research is being done constantly, many are jumping on board in hopes of finding ways to reduce such symptoms with minimal side effects. Unfortunately, many of these supplements have serious side effects so more research is underway to help find how these drugs can be improved to help increase the good of the supplements and reduce the bad side effects.

What Are Nootropics?

In the United States, there are many dietary supplements that are safe and reliable for treating cognitive motor function as well as memory. There are also drugs that are stimulants that are believed to help improve the memory as a side effect.

According to a new law in the United States, if such supplements contain any drugs that claim to prevent or treat such conditions, they are now illegal. This leaves a lot of the information open to interpretation by the user which can be a dangerous way to determine if a supplement is safe to use for specific conditions.

Used to help alleviate cognitive motor conditions, these nootropics come in a wide array of forms and potencies that are believed by many to help such conditions. However, without the proper research, these supplements may or may not be helpful in treating these patients.

The Research on Nootropics

According to research, supplements may help mental/cognitive function, focus, memory, and other symptoms that frequent patients who struggle with Alzheimer’s, ADHD, Huntington’s and Parkinson’s disease.

They may improve how the brain functions and they may help to stall symptoms from worsening in patients of the above-mentioned conditions.

Other pharmaceuticals such as Adderall, lisdexamfetamine, and other amphetamine classified drugs may also be of benefit for such conditions. Interestingly, such drugs are frequently used for those with ADHD symptoms.

Researchers are always trying new drugs and combinations of drugs to help reduce symptoms and alleviate what they can in patients who are struggling with these health issues.

Some drugs and supplements can cause a myriad of serious side effects, others may not work as well on one patient as they do on others. Just as every disease and condition progress differently, every drug and supplement may have different results in patients.

Researchers want to find out why something works well for one patient and doesn’t work at all for another patient so more research is constantly underway to try and help them understand how these drugs and supplements are metabolized in the body.

Top Nootropics Brands

when it comes to supplements and drugs there are many to choose from. Some are old and very traditional while others are new or hybrids of other drugs or supplements that we’ve known about for decades.

Brite Focus

Brite Focus is unique in that not only does it comes in three formulas: BriteSMART, BriteSHIELF and BrightSHOT, but also because real doctors are recommending it to patients.

Not only that, but the company is using real clinical trials, including double-blind, placebo controlled studies to determine if Ceretrophin™ (the technical name for BriteSMART) is effective, and the results are very promising! You can see the information about this study for yourself here at the company’s page about the clinical trial.

BriteSMART is believed to help with your memory, focus, and concentration. Taken daily, this all natural formula has been available on the market for over 20 years.

BriteSHIELD protects, detoxes and restores the brain. It protects it from the daily stressors that can affect how a person perceives and deals with whatever life throws at them.

BriteSHOT works much like energy drinks work in that it helps to boost your energy midway through the day when you’re starting to lag. It protects the brain from neurotoxins, free radicals, and inflammation.

All three formulas may be used together or patients may choose to use one product over the others as a stand alone product.

Either way, the product is said to improve the brain function and the person’s ability to recall and remember things that once were evasive.

Click Here to See BriteFocus Coupon Codes and Specials


Lumonol is designed to raise the cognitive performance and enhance the memory. It helps to improve focus and speed up the time it takes the brain to remember and recall things.

The company emphasizes the ingredient Noopept (N-phenylacetyl-L-prolylglycine ethyl ester), which they say is not only promotes stress relief, but also better cognitive health and memory – which is one of the primary reasons consumers are looking for these formulations.

For those who are struggling with issues of being able to focus, if they are easily distracted or struggle with poor memory or nervousness. If they struggle with fear or slowing down their thought process, if they are feeling as if their brain won’t stop and the thoughts keep coming, this product can help to reduce these feelings and more.

Lumonol allows the patient to relax and slow these thoughts and manage their anxiety. Lumonol is also designed with three specific formula’s.

Choose the formula that is tailored to meet specific needs. There is the Nootropic formula that is believed to help improve the mental abilities of those who take this supplement.

There is a formula called Lumonol prep for ages 8 to teens. This is to help them to focus and improve their cognitive abilities.

Lastly, there is the Lumonol Wisdom formula for those 60 and over. It helps to improve memory, energy, and clarity.

Click Here to see any Lumonol Coupon Codes and Specials



Click the Image to see OptiMind Nootropics at Amazon

For those wishing to boost energy and their mind, Optimind is believed to help them achieve focus and clarity.

Being able to focus helps a person to function at their prime regardless of the hour of the day. Whether a person is a night owl or an early bird, Optimind can help them to achieve their highest level of ability regardless of the time of day.

Taken as a supplement this can help to boost energy and the ability to recall and remember what is going on.

Note that caffeine is common to formulations such as this, so take note of this if you are sensitive to caffeine.

New IQ2 Nootropic Stack: Some Real Good Brain Food

As we’ve been seeing, nootropics are big business, and the subject places focus on healthy cognitive function after many years of hearing about obesity and heart disease. The iQ2 nootropic breakthrough proves that a much-loved substance is good for the brain and the whole body.

  • Raw, Unprocessed Cacao

Raw cacao contains numerous nutrients which perform a host of functions. Medical studies have uncovered the way this food, known and used for centuries in its native lands, acts as a natural stimulant.#1 rated nootropic

We also know why women often eat chocolate during their menstrual periods: raw cocoa is a mood enhancer and regulator. In other words, if your moods are out of balance, raw cocoa can help to stabilize them.

Antioxidants fight free radicals and raw cocoa is full of them too; more than other foods and drinks associated with polyphenols such as red wine.

Raw cacao inhibits bad cholesterol; thus, eating a little bit of it every day is an excellent way to protect the heart. Polyphenol supplements also contribute to the prevention of Type Two Diabetes and stroke.

  • Science and Society

We see the proof of these things in daily life, especially the mood-enhancing power of chocolate, but science stands behind the claims made above. Using nootropics which contain raw cacao powder has been shown to improve mental health, provide additional energy, and fight off disease.

  • An iQ2 No-brainer

There was no question that iQ2 would include raw cacao powder given what their research uncovered. It works with other essential ingredients to create a highly bioavailable supplement, reaching the brain rapidly. Use this supplement and expect to feel energized and focused.

  • What else is in the iQ2 nootropic stack?

This is the ingredient panel showing what’s in the iQ2 Nootropic Stack

The iQ2 nootropic supplement contains extracts which can be found naturally in salmon, eggs, bananas, apples, avocados, oranges, and more.

Some substances would normally only be taken as vitamins, such as vinpocetine for improved blood flow.

DMAE, found in fish, improves mental endurance. Choline — present in eggs — enhances memory, learning, and prevents memory loss due to age.

Most of the other ingredients also promote improved energy, concentration, and memory such as guarana, B-complex, and acetyl-L-carnitine found in dairy products.


  • How much does iQ2 cost?

Before applying any iQ2 coupon codes, a bottle of iQ2 Nootropic supplements will cost $59.95 for one or $49.95 on automatic delivery (plus free delivery in the US and Canada, which is a great value added service). We do know that the iQ2 Labs DOES offer occasional iQ2 coupon codes, and we place all active codes that are currently available for this product in its own spot here on the site!

CLICK HERE to see and iQ2 Coupon Codes and Specials


Readily available without a prescription, this product by Neuro Laboratories is believed to help patients focus and hold their attention.

Seven years ago, Archie Marks created this original formula. He designed it to help boost his neurotransmitter function, improve his memory and help improve his memory. As he worked on this product, it was also noted that it helped to improve anxiety, improve concentration and restore feelings of confidence.

NITROvit has quickly become a favorite among others who are trying to improve their memories as well as their cognitive function. Another reason that may be attributed to NITROvit’s popularity if that  Neuro Laboratories is proud to announce exactly what is in the product, and they refuse to hide behind the term “proprietary formula.”

Consumers know exactly what is in the product – and this is certain to engender a sense of confidence and trust. Read more about this and their other policies at the nitrovit.com site.

According to research, it shows that the supplement helps to improve ADHD symptoms, reduce the signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s and it helps to balance the brain nutrients that affect the aging process.

For those who are struggling with memory retention, this product is said to help to restore that function. It improves blood flow to the brain and restores most function to the brain.

What might be in a typical nootropic stack?

In many of the supplements we have talked about, you might see something that is often referred to as a “nootropic stack,” and some of the following ingredients will be bundled together:

Ginkgo Biloba
Panax Ginseng
Alpha GPC
Acetyl L-Carnitine
Phosphatidyl Serine
Vitamin B12

In a Lumonol “Energy Blend,” for example, you’ll see Guarana, Hordenine, Vitamin B12 and Panax Ginseng.

In their “Focus Blend,” you will see “Noopept” (N-phenylacetyl-L-prolylglycine ethyl ester), L-Tyrosine, Acetyl L-Carnitine, and Phosphatidyl Serine.

In their “Memory Blend,” you’ll see Alpha GPC and Ginkgo Biloba.

Visit the site –> www.NITROvit.com

Is Solubility Important?

Some supplements are water soluble while others are fat soluble. If you’re unsure, you’ll want to find out.

Water solubles are perfect for taking or mixing with water. When they are in powdered form they will dissolve easily in water and mix well.

On the other hand, fat soluble products will not mix well with water. They will clump and not dissolve.

A solution for a fat soluble product would be to take it with a glass of milk or mix that powder into the glass of milk.

It will then dissolve and be able to mix and blend into the product so that it can be easily ingested and digested in the body.

Typically, most supplements are a fat soluble. An additional benefit to fat soluble products is that they will last longer in the body and thus provide a longer benefit to the body.

Should Nootropics Be Taken With Food?

Just as many of your medications should be taken on an empty stomach or with food, so should nootropics.

The trick is to remember that water soluble products should be taken on an empty stomach. This way they get into your system much more quickly to provide the benefits that your body needs.

On the other hand, fat soluble products should be taken with food. They will bind to the fats and process through the body much more quickly thus providing the nutrients that the body requires.

Another option for fat soluble products is to take a fish oil supplement about 15 minutes after eating. This will help give the product something to bind to and provide the body with the extra boost that it requres to process the nootropic.

Sublingual vs Ingesting

Some products might be taken sublingually. Sublingual simply means that you place the substance underneath of the tongue and allow it to dissolve or absorb.

Sublingual products pass directly into the bloodstream avoiding the liver as well as the stomach. This means that they enter the system much more quickly and will begin to work faster.

If a product must first pass through the liver or the stomach, it is going to take longer for it to process through the body. It must first pass through the stomach and be digested before it can begin to work as it should in the body.

This time frame can take a few hours in some individuals. If taking products like this it’s wise to factor the digestion time in prior to ingesting so that the product is taken in plenty of time before it is required by the body.

With so many options on the market today, it’s no wonder that people struggle to understand which nootropic supplement is best for their specific needs.

Trial and Error

For others, it will take a bit more of trial and error to completely determine which product is best and which one will fit their needs most closely.

Other products and supplements tout their ability to help improve the memory but they have little scientific evidence to back it up. Without hard concrete scientific evidence, there is minimal chance that these supplements can actually improve the memory, help people to focus and relax.

With commercial prescribed medications such as these, many patients find that they are misusing them. Not all of this misuse is intentional, some patients don’t realize how potent these medications and drugs are.

They feel as if the medication isn’t working and in an attempt to make it work they inadvertently overdose. Other times, they take their prescriptions incorrectly and thus bring other issues on to their health.

Often, patients are on the path of discovery for what will work for their needs. Some medications and supplements shouldn’t be taken together.

Every effort should be taken to understand how the supplement and medications will interact. It’s important that patients tell their doctor if they are taking any supplements in addition to the prescribed medications that they are taking.

Although many of the nootropics have had limited studies done in humans, they are believed to provide improved brain function.

The brain is an organ in the body that is largely unknown. It helps to manage how everything else in the body functions. From language to motion, the brain is always at work, even when people are asleep.

By providing the brain with supplemental support, the cognitive function, as well as the memory are improved.

Clearly nootropics have a lot of responsibility to the body and to the brain. Helping to clarify and maintain focus as well as improve energy and overall well being, many are turning to this supplement as a way to improve their brain function as well as their cognitive abilities and many medical conditions.

3.7/5 - (3 votes)

About Kath

Hi! It's Kath here, and I've been with MyFavDeals.org from the very start. Like everyone else here on the team, I have a number of roles. I'm a creative editor, product reviewer (including creating video reviews), and I'm our vendor relations specialist among other things. I love finding cool products and great deals for our readers. Working on this site is such a joy, and I'm grateful to be here!

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